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<p class=”mol-para-with-font”>A university graduate who ‘ordered a cheap set of paints during the first lockdown to combat boredom’ has revealed she’s able to earn more than her salary by selling her naked figure artwork online. </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie Devine, 28, who is from St Andrews but lives in London, was working in marketing when the Covid-19 crisis hit last March, and started painting during the early months of the pandemic as a way to relax.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>After having a ‘light bulb moment’ and deciding to sell her artwork on social media, Josie amassed thousands of fans on and quickly began earning more through her painting than her salary.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>The 28-year-old, who sells her paintings for between £55-£300 online, 우리카지노 has now decided to leave her job and pursue art full time, revealing: ‘When so much else in the world is unpredictable and unreliable, it really feels like the time to do it. I’ve finally decided to bet on myself.’ </p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>Josie Devine, 28, who is from St. Andrews but living in London, who ‘ordered a cheap set of paints during the first lockdown to combat boredom’ has revealed she is quitting her career </p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie, who said she had ‘always dreamed of going to art school’, explained: ‘I ended up studying English Literature, which I don’t regret, but there has always been a part of me that daydreams about what it might have been like to pursue the artistic path academically.’ </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She graduated from University of Glasgow in 2014 and spent years working in hospitality and travelling, before moving to London in 2017 for a job in marketing.</p><div><div data-track-module=”am-related_carousel^related_carousel” data-track-selector=”.rotator-panels a:not([class*=external])” data-dm-rotator-rotate=”false” data-track-pos=”static” data-preferred-shared-network-enabled=”” data-dm-rotator-auto-init=”” id=”p-20″ class=”related-carousel with-fb-or-tw femail half” data-dm-rotator-active-class=”active” data-dm-rotator-page-count=”1.0″ data-dm-social-article-auto-init=”” data-dm-rotator-page-size=”1″> <div class=”rotator bdrcc”> <div class=”rotator-title”> <h2>RELATED ARTICLES</h2> <ul class=”rotator-pages link-xocc”> <li class=”rotator-prev”>Previous
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</div></div> </div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>When the Covid-19 crisis hit last March, Josie began working full time at home and decided to spend her spare commuting time painting, adding: ‘I was quite happy to have extra time to dedicate to some creativity.'</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Having been to life-drawing classes for years, the 28-year-old began to build a portfolio of simple line-drawings on a bold cobalt blue background. </p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>The 28-year-old, who sells her paintings for between £55-£300 online, has now decided to leave her day job and pursue art full time after making more than her salary within months of starting the project </p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie said her paintings helped her to embrace her body and feel more confident, explaining: ‘I always loved going along to casual life-drawing classes as a way to connect with my creative side, and work on my skills, but in doing so I also found it a way of remedying my negative relationship with my body. </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>’In life drawing you see models of literally all shapes, ages, sizes, and it makes you really appreciate beauty in so many forms; rolls, moles, wrinkles and all. </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>While painting during lockdown, Josie began noticing there were ‘a lot of small businesses and makers’ selling their artwork on Instagram. </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She explained: ‘One day I just had a lightbulb moment, and I literally stayed up all night hatching my plans, then made my first ‘for sale’ post the next day.’ </p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>Having been to life-drawing classes for years, 우리카지노 the 28-year-old began to build a portfolio of simple line-drawings on a bold cobalt blue background </p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie said it ‘felt like a natural starting point’ to turn her sketches from life drawing classes into paintings, adding: ‘My work is all about celebrating the female form, using bright colours and bold lines to create striking impressions.'</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Almost overnight, Josie started an Instagram account and launched a website through which she sold her paintings.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She gave each figure a name, as well as a short bio, explaining: ‘I knew that the content I was posting not only had to be sharable, but relatable, and a reflection of my personality. </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie described selling her first painting as ‘a mix of feelings’, explaining: ‘On one hand I felt so excited and validated, but on the other I felt a bit weird asking for money. </p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>Josie said her white line paintings have helped her to embrace her body and feel more confident</p></div><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”><div class=”splitLeft”><div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div></div><div class=”splitRight”><div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div></div><div class=”clear”></div><p class=”imageCaption”>Josie described being featured in ELLE magazine in November as ‘a serious pinch me’ moment, and by December, she had reached 6,000 followers on Instagram</p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>’Initially I was selling a lot to friends and mutual connections, so right from the get go I was making a liveable amount, which essentially kept growing month on month.’ </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie described being featured in ELLE magazine in November as ‘a serious pinch me’ moment, and by December, she had reached 6,000 followers on Instagram.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She added: ‘I soon reached a point about 3-4 months in where I was making more than my salary.'</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>The 28-year-old revealed she finally felt successful when ‘a stranger got in touch asking for a commission’, saying: ‘I thought it was too good to be true!</p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>As the Covid-19 crisis continued, Josie began struggling with her mental health and described painting as her only relief</p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>’I also feel successful when I get emailed by customers who have received their portraits and have an emotional response, like I’ve somehow helped them to see themselves and their bodies in a new light. That is the real reward for 우리카지노 me.'</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>As the Covid-19 crisis continued, 우리카지노 Josie began struggling with her mental health and described painting as her only relief.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She revealed: ‘Working from home full time during the whole of the pandemic had really started negatively affecting my mental health. </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>’I was feeling pretty stagnant and unmotivated on a daily basis, and had a moment of realisation like… wow I’m really spending 80 per cent of my time sitting at my dining room table depressed, what is this? </p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>The 28-year-old revealed she finally felt successful when ‘a stranger got in touch asking for a commission’ </p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>’The only thing that was lighting me up was the thought of painting as soon as work was over.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>’In December I decided it was crunch time to hand in my notice and just go for it.’ </p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Telling her friends and family was ‘nerve-wracking’, but Josie said her loved-ones have been ‘nothing but supportive’.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She explained: ‘I was nervous about telling my family, but they reacted really well and they recognise that there is such a big opportunity here for me.'</p><div class=”artSplitter mol-img-group” style=”style”> <div class=”mol-img”> <div class=”image-wrap”> </div> <noscript> </noscript> </div> <p class=”imageCaption”>Josie said she is now looking forward to having ‘breathing space’ and ‘not feeling like she is squeezing in painting in her spare time'</p></div><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She called handing in her notice ‘an out of body experience’, saying: ‘I was like…”This is either the best or stupidest decision of my life”, but then all I felt was relief for finally “speaking my truth” and making a big scary decision.'</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>Josie said she is now looking forward to having ‘breathing space’ and ‘not feeling like she is squeezing in painting in her spare time’.</p><p class=”mol-para-with-font”>She said: ‘I can’t wait to structure my days and weeks how I want to, and to be in control about what work I take on. Monday fear can go in the bin.'</p></div>
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