A spooky knit by Samadrita Ghosh & Soham Dighe
By: Prose Potato It was the ketchup to my fries, the humble tomato, a round plump red ball of seeds and flesh that took my heart away, and most of them like us as a couple as well, apparently, we complement each other when consumed as a whole. But sadly, we were not meant to
An ode to the celebriTEA in our lives As we celebrate tea, we wanted to share its importance to us. Before we were people working from two different parts of the country, we would at the end of a tiring day meet up at one of our places. With big mugs of tea, a packet
Why look for the moon when you have the glow of a thousand stars with you? -Priya Baid We tend to look for things elsewhere. We tend to not see what is right in front of us, we chase the unknown. We look for light in the moon, when we have the ability to shine
Every turn brings with it a view more breathtaking. – KATrambles The unexpected, in whatever way it comes into our life has a magic of its own. Whether it’s a turn on the road or a turn in life, what it brings with it can be breathtaking.So yes we all have some smiles, some fights
Looking through a window, trying to see reality – Priya Baid Sometimes our perception of the world is rotating around finding the right doors. So much so that we might miss the windows that offer glimpses of fresh perspectives, right opportunities. Who said that you have to choose only a door, your life’s reality could
Let our similarities bring us together, more than our differences tear us apart -KATrambles Our uniqueness separates us, but our commonalities can bring us closer together.. What are the ways in which you connect to others through similarities, despite having differences?
Every snowflake is unique. A lot of factors influence how a snowflake ends up. Like the temperature and moisture levels among other things.In the same way, we as humans are unique from one another. We all are on our own journeys. On these journeys we come across obstacles, things that affect us, situations that change
Imagination and curiosity are the sparks that light the fire within us. How you kindle that fire and keep it going is up to you. – KATrambles Ignite the fire in your mind, let it shine through you. Let it push you, let it motivate you. The rest is in your hands…
In another world, that’s a mirror image of of our own I hope the semblance is only the appearance I hope it’s the better version of our world With Humanity as the dictator And the omnipresence of Truce In that another World, Cruelty, Hatred, Bloodshed and Vengeance, They are all ghost. A world where love