Through the pandemic, our team has come to realize that it is more important than ever to find time for the things that bring us joy (whichever way that might be). That it is okay to take time out for the simple pleasures that make our chest feel warm and our eyes sparkle.

For this very reason we started hosting events with different platforms and individuals, to spread the message that even if it for a short hour or a little longer, there could be some relief from your day to day stressors. There is some peace you can find.

Have a look at what events we have going on and it will give you an idea as to what we can do.

We have a wide range of possibilities for events- whether it is a game night or a mafia night, whether it is a fun topic for discussion or even a group therapy session (we are qualified to facilitate these), we have it all.

Here is what we can offer you

  • Events for your workplace or organisation- Some session ideas could be team building, stress relief, time management, well being, skill building etc
  • Events for students in colleges/schools- coping with difficult situations, stress relief, anxiety, self care etc.
  • Events for friends and family- something light and fun to engage with them

These are just some broad ideas, you can pitch us ideas too based on what you require and we can collaboratively figure out what to do together! For further details, get in touch with us!

Snippets from our previous sessions and collaborations!

A Support Group to aid people in the pandemic.
An event to connect with others whilst creating stories together.
A workshop to unwind and focus on the self.
A session to help us challenge our thought distortions.
A fun event to play some games and reconnect with our inner child.
A workshop to learn how each emotion can play a role in our lives and how they can be regulated effectively.
Relief: Stress Management workshop with Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
An enlightening session with Yashika Rawal where we talked about history of Graphology, different aspects of it including signature and handwriting analysis as well as how it can help us.
Nick B Ponter is a prolific author, teacher and educator. He joined us for a Live Interview and Reading to discuss his new book ‘Connor Jackson and the Memory Thieves’
A dance Movement Therapy Workshop by Ipsita and Medha to help participants reflect, share, strengthen and move through these times
Unwinding with the HR department of Madras School of Social Work
A safe space for any individual to bring out their inner performer.
A group session facilitated by Medha Saharya (Counseling Psychologist and founder of WIP Initiative) for all who identify as women to learn about self care whilst interacting with other women.
A christmas twist to the traditional mafia game. Can you catch the grinch and save Christmas?

A session to go back in time and reconnect with our inner child (Conducted in collaboration with the Backyard Clan)
A month long event where we sold customised digital cards and donated the funds to the NGO Team Everest
A special event where participants knit a tale using their favourite characters from popular culture.
A Christmas exchange where people shared a movie, quote, card, letter to a random stranger and received many more from others along with a special gift form Team KAT
A writing event to celebrate Women who made us, to the women who raised us, who built us up, who continue to be in our corner. To the women we are, to the women we look up to, to the women who are often overlooked.
A writing event for valentines day where participants wrote a story on love, on romance by incorporating our guidelines.

Bringing back the tradition of snail mails with this one.
A series where our host will pick a theme/topic and discuss it with our community LIVE from our Instagram page..
A special Halloween Heist with a Literary Twist
A series where our host will read original pieces like writeups, stories, poems, scriptures, music, and knits live on our Intagram page

So get in touch with us to explore the possibilities. This could be a way to try something new, to discover some hidden talents and connect to other people!