Let’s Knit A Tale Together Forums English The Faint Drizzle Turned Into A Downpour

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    • #626 Reply

      The Faint Drizzle Turned Into A Downpour

      Feel free to create the tale as you like but any entries which are inappropriate in terms of language, content or style which hurt the sentiments of any being or are of contain explicit sexual content will be deleted.

      Keep your contribution limited to 500 words. Maximum length of a tale is 3000 words.

    • #628 Reply

      Why did they leave in such a hurry? Couldn’t she have looked around for a coat? But it had been a while since she felt the rain on her skin. It reminded her of the time she would beg her mom to let her play in the rain.

    • #629 Reply

      But this was not the time to be lost in those memories cause she was well aware of what followed these fond recollections and it definitely wasn’t something she could focus on right now. She tugged at her ill fitting raincoat and willed it to do what it was designed for as she made her way through the storm trying hard to not lose sight of the faint red raincoat that was rushing ahead.

    • #630 Reply

      It was awfully cold. She tried her level best not to get swept away by the wind outside, and by the storm raging within. They can’t do this. They cannot take her away again. I will convince them. I will show them I have changed. I will show them, I am a good mother.

    • #631 Reply

      The courtroom had meanwhile changed colour with not a single hope left among the jury. Their heads turned in despair, as she walked in with her raging steps, for they knew the truth but had no taped evidence for proving what lies in the room is nothing but filth decorated in falsity. The room was filled with people, each one willing to change the truth they had just heard. She barged in and yet again all eyes gleamed with hope, their feet trembled, their hands stopped and their faces were terrified. All heads moved but one, she looked at the numb lips of her loving 5 year old, who was still trying to wake up from the monstrous dream of reality.

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