Let’s Knit A Tale Together Forums English Thunder Roared Overhead As

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    • #595 Reply

      Thunder Roared Overhead As

      Feel free to create the tale as you like but any entries which are inappropriate in terms of language, content or style which hurt the sentiments of any being or are of contain explicit sexual content will be deleted.

      Keep your contribution limited to 500 words. Maximum length of a tale is 3000 words.

    • #1221 Reply

      Thunder roared overhead as Kazi stood at the edge of his office rooftop ledge.He was amused by how tiny humans looked from up there.He leaned forward to try and get a better look. One of them, the one with the shiny bald head and nervous gait, looked like his boss’s better half. He wanted to drop a big, fat,swab of spit,the size of his bruised ego, on that shiny pate. He gathered his saliva like a monk’s bladder in deep meditation, took aim and spat.Just then,a bolt of lightening,struck barely an inch beside him,scaring him nearly out of his skin. He was thrown off-balance and he fell. As he plunged seven stories down, two thoughts crossed his mind.
      Who was at his desk rifling through his papers, too engrossed to see him fall past the window?
      Did his spit land on the bald head?

    • #1292 Reply
      Zoher Dalal

      His thoughts ended with a loud swoosh from his lungs. The solar plexus had met a bald and shiny pate which on one hand reduced the friction but did nothing to minimise the impact. Newton’s laws came into action and the neck below the bald head bore the brunt,it broke. It also broke a few ribs of Kazi and the Judge (Kazi) was in no condition to judge the damage, to him and his bete noir, neither did he feel his own saliva being transferred from the bald shiny pate to his shirt front.

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