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    • #1222 Reply
      Maaz sayeed Hashmi

      Hello there how are you,
      Is that the only thing which I can ask from you.

      It is the time of Halloween,
      I think you can be a dead king or a queen.

      I have some affection for the dead,
      And i also know that you were under my bed.

      You were waiting to grab me,
      Oh! I just saw you behind the tree.

      I thought that you were real and loved me the most,
      Then i got to know that you are a spooky ghost.

      I have a lot of things to tell,
      And i just bought a doll named Annabelle.

      Oh sorry i can’t continue the poem,
      Annabelle is calling me to play with them..

      P. S. – Miss me!!!

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