I Matter!

This prompt came from the idea that we all struggle to find reasons why we matter. It started as a small prompt on Instagram for Mental Health Week, but the responses we got were so amazing that it had to be shared on our website too. It was a labour of love from our followers […]

This prompt came from the idea that we all struggle to find reasons why we matter. It started as a small prompt on Instagram for Mental Health Week, but the responses we got were so amazing that it had to be shared on our website too. It was a labour of love from our followers to anyone in the world who needs it. We were so moved by it that we have let it continue right here among our other tales. We hope this helps you if you struggle with these thoughts.

You matter.

Here is the post-

This prompt is a little different. We are not knitting a tale, as we usually do.
Instead we are writing a letter, together. This is open to all. We came up with this prompt to help each one of us see why we matter. With mental health as the focus this week, we wanted to highlight the importance of ourselves and try to understand why we matter. To take some time and think about this and to see what it means to matter. To reflect on how this impacts the way we see ourselves as well as the way we see others.

I matter _______

How would you fill that gap? What are your reasons for saying you matter? Why do you matter?


Because I do and, because all of us do.

– prarthanasagar

I matter because I believe I do. My belief in myself is what will keep me going. I acknowledge myself and my value to others and to society. I am important, I matter.

– careincrisis

I matter.

– riddhikhandhar

I matter because God never makes useless things. I matter because I have been told one day we get a reward for all the agony we have gone through. Till then I will wait and pretend to be strong and I know this smiley mask will help me get through the storm as it’s all on me whether I swim or sink, so yes I will definitely go with the former one as God sent me into this world knowing very well she can and will sail through the storm !!!!

– minisparkles

I matter because I am called by my name. I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I have received an eternal crown even before I was knitted in my mother’s womb. I am chosen to exist and live an amazing journey in life. Through ups and downs, pleasures and pains, I am sculpted and getting stronger day by day. Showered by endless personal love, I couldn’t be more grateful than that! Moreover, being called as a lovely child, loyal best friend, a wise mentor, a genuine leader, a soulmate, and so on. I matter because I am who I am. 

– auvien

I matter because the world is in great need of kindness and unconditional love. The world needs to be shown and remind that we are human, to bring back faith in humanity. I also matter because I can be an inspiration to others, that no matter how difficult time may come but with positive attitude and patience I can rise, taking hand in hand with those who will need me at every point of life. I matter because I am a mother, I have to inculcate the values into my children that are getting obsoleted from this world, so that they can carry forward the fountain of love and spread it to make this world an even better place.

– Candour_at_core

I matter because I am. I matter because I am you, you are me, I am the sun, stars, river, trees, oceans and lakes. I am everything and everything is in me.

– Laurabeingawriter

I matter because I am the reason for someone’s smile because everyone is born with their share of happiness and sorrows. So what If I have had experienced my share of looses first. I am hopeful. Happy days will be knocking my doors soon. I cannot just concentrate on my losses, need to see the big picture. I have people around who really love me and I am the reason behind their smiles. I mean the world to them. I matter to them. I am precious.

– Utopian_lives

I matter because I am standing here after all that has tried to knock me down. I am a force.

– Jaz.and.blues

I may not see myself as someone who matters, but someone else does. Without me, some might not be able to see the light of life. I may not appreciate myself, but someone is grateful for my presence. They said, my words were like a medicine that makes them live. But, does my materiality in this world has to depend on what someone else has to say? I should be the first one to tell myself that without me, the world would never be the same. In my own little ways, I know that I made a difference. My existence has became an inspiration to some. I know that I matter for I made this world a little better, not just because I am made of matter.

– Myhracle_

I matter because pure hearts matter. More than hatred love needs to be spread. As situations make us weak sometimes, we forget to love ourself…so to remind you that self love is precious, I matter…I matter to remind you that you are not less than someone

– Theheartlandpierian_

I matter. Full stop. I matter because I do. I matter because I am. I matter because I exist

– Parinaama_blog

We shouldn’t let society tells us where not worthy of certain things. We can’t control what people think.

– Hannahkrishell.vd

I matter because although a tiny one, but still I am a part of this universe. Even though in my presence it might not be evident but I do have influence on many lives. I matter because I can make many people smile. I matter because I can spread happiness and I can make someone realise that they matter too. Maybe I can save a life or can spread a little joy, but in all these ways, I know I do matter.

– Aarohiii.ii

I matter because every life is precious

– Alorawrites

I matter, writing this for all the days when I will feel like giving up, when I will feel I’m not worth the love, affection and care, when I will question my decisions, when I will want to run away. On the days when life when will seem like a never ending rollercoaster ride, I will remember that I had written this letter on one of the better days of my life, cautioning myself that the times may not be all hunky-dory ahead. However, life is a series of experiences that need to be stitched together to create a unique quilt and I will do just that.

– Ehsaasonkealfaaz

I matter because life is the greatest gift and by luck I got it.Now it matters ,how wonderfully I spend this gift.Not always good but also to accept the bad, success is happier but failure being more precious: a lesson.I matter because I get to live my life my way. And indeed this is all that actually matters.

– _.Scribble.hive._

I matter because, I am so unique in this world as every other is in their own ways!!. We all have one common purpose of our lives under which every other individual aspects of life is incorporated which is to live a happy present and wish for a greater future. My contribution to this society may be meagre but never forget “pennies make pounds” and our whole living and loving society cumulates to much more happier society and an even more greater mighty future. So as I matter, you matter and we all matter for a better world.

– Nikeshnikal

I matter because I am the only one with this combination of genes.. I matter because I am unique!

– Bubbl.quotes

I matter because I exist! I am happy, sad, anxious, excited and I choose to embrace and embody my emotions. I bring joy to others and most importantly – myself! I strive to make the world a better place because I believe in everyone and everything.

– Hookedonbs

I matter because each time I’ve been trodden and pushed to the floor, I’ve stood up, alone, with the same vigor. I matter because each day I wake up, I strive to be better than I was yesterday. I matter because even on days when I wanted to give up on everything, I did not give up on myself. I matter because I’m me; imperfect, flawed, brave, ME. And there’s nobody else who can be that, but me.

– Winewithwordss

It’s a matter of matter

– Herforsakenfeelings

I matter to him, her , they and most importantly my own self. I matter because I am a survivor and I am a lover . Sometimes there is no one left with us, we tend to be empty and darkness covers us from all the sides if we don’t stop to sink in it, and that is why to live you have to be a survivor., a warrior . I used to be people’s crying shoulder and so i will always be. I try to lift up people who are going down and down because every one of us needs a second chance , a helping hand, an honest friend. I matter because I am who I am now because of Myself.

– Miserableink

We crave for love and attention, since socialization is in our DNA. Animals live for themselves, but we live in an interdependent web of connections.
We depend on each other for our emotional and physical needs.
I matter because I’m a part of the web and my existence makes a difference to the people around me. I’d use my painful experience to understand the people going through it, without judging them wrong. I’d stand beside them throughout their painful journey selflessly, being happy seeing them happy because smile is contagious.
If I help someone live today, then he/she would help someone else live tomorrow, thus completing the helping chain of connections, spreading positivity.
Everybody goes through a painful transformation phase that they aren’t immune to . Life isn’t always going to be the way we want it to be, but we can mould ourselves to fit in the jigsaw puzzle of life.

– _Friend_indeed

My mother went through the halls of death to give me life because, I MATTER


I matter ________ I matter and I know that and I don’t need to justify it to anyone. One should matter in their own eyes and the world would reflect that. Life is too short to live up to other’s expectations and prove yourself to them and while doing that, you forget that you also matter in this life. Kindness, care and compassion is good, it should be there, it should be given to others but not neglecting the self as well. Remember, if you are happy, then you can make others more happy, spread more happiness and make this world more bright. There is some wise saying that compassion is incomplete if it doesn’t include you. There are so many who are always focussed on themselves, there are many who are selfless and contributing in making others life comfortable and peaceful. But won’t it be better if they find a balance between both, they surely matter to themselves or to someone, but one should matter to themselves and others both to make this world a better place. There is no particular definition of how and what you matters, sometimes just helping a stranger also matters to them, while sometimes giving all your life to some doesn’t matter at all. So do whatever you think matters and make this world worth living for everyone. But don’t forget that you always matter, in someone’s or your eyes. Everyone is special in their own way

– Un_equivocal

I matter. For my heart, working diligently everyday, I matter. For my lungs, filtering the air I breathe, I matter. I matter for my mind, creating stories and memories. I was born out of love, so I matter.

– Zero_infinity_zero

I matter because I am a separate and unique entity, I am a unique personality, a peculiar person…I am something apart from the mass. This is something every person should tell oneself as they should learn to appreciate the unique path that they are walking on. No two lives are the same. Different problems, different approaches and varied perspectives towards life.
Often we are compared with other in terms of prosperity, health, wealth and so many other criteria’s but it is us who can explain ourselves that these comparisons don’t matter because every person is unique and so are his talents, interests and his mentality. We must learn to respect and appreciate every struggle that a person goes through as we might not be able to feel the same magnitude of pain as they went through but there is no point downsizing others. Rather, accepting their struggles will make living together easier as every life matters!!! and I as an individual matter the most for myself because I am a class apart, I am genuine and I MATTER!!!!

– Randomly.scribbling

I matter because if I didn’t, then how am I writing this? You matter because you exist, otherwise, how are you reading this? We all matter and we all have a purpose in life. Some of us know the purpose and some of us will know soon with age. So if ever, you feel that, you don’t matter, think hard on the purpose you were sent in to fulfil and then breakthrough the walls of depression and be who you’re supposed to be.

– wannabethrilled

I matter because we’re all so different yet so connected to each other. I often wonder how sometimes I feel I’m not worth anything but how significantly important, minor maybe, but important role I play in changing someone else’s life.. for good, or bad. So I matter because my experience and everything i do has an impact on not only mine but on so many other people’s lives in different levels. For if I didn’t exist, how could one learn the lesson they must’ve learnt from my mistakes?. And as I like to think someone somewhere must have loved me, if I didn’t exist, how could they experience the feeling of first love, then? I matter not just for me.

– Vibinwithwords

I matter, every life in this world matter, and I believe I might be doing something good to someone or influence them so I matter because someone is there who cares about me.

– Noob_writings01

I matter because I am created by the almighty. He creates every one with a reason, I must be here to fulfil a purpose. I am here to ride the rollercoaster named life.

– Lostinthoughts_03

This is an ongoing knit, if you wish to make a contribution click on the button below.

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