
tales from instagram


Author: Maniksha (@_poetism) ACT I THE FIRST MEETING It was a lovely day to be outside. The sun was penetrating the thick fog that had covered the city of Pangon for the first time in months. Jiro stood in his garden, taking in the greenery around his home. It was a lovely day to be […]

My Journey With Gratitude

What is My Journey With Gratitude? This is an initiative by Knit A Tale: a shared story-writing platform. As part of our gratitude month, we wanted to not just preach, but also bring it into our lives. Gratitude has been shown to positively impact our relationships, bring in peace, joy, improves health, and helps us

What is Gratitude?

On the surface, we believe that when we say the words ‘thank you’, we are showing that we are grateful. However, it is not just limited to that. Gratitude is a warm feeling we have, it is an acknowledgment and appreciation for what we have, whom we have, and all that we have in our

My Haven

By: Maniksha (@poetism) and Talia (@taliavanderwrites) To my dearest love: I hope when the sun shines, you recognize its warmth. I want you to see hope, and feel it flowing into your body like the most beautiful storm. I want you to remember, even without being in my arms, you are safely loved. Love is

My True North

By Serwat Faisal (@serwat_writes) & Jack Burrus Goodson (@77jbgoodson) My Dearest Dear of Oceans-Never-Crossed,  He’s leaving me. His overgrown, untrimmed ego has grown weary of my tongue. Viper-like is how he is inclined to describe it. The constant insistence that I follow his lead, his step, his orders. Any deviance, any defiance: he calls me

A Furend In Need

By Ruth the Human and Potato Dear Ruth, Long time no see huh, ever since that woman you call Pinky took you to her home, you have forgotten about me. I have been waiting for a long time for you to tell me how everything was on your end, even I have a lot of

Rekindling Hope

By Priya Baid (@ehsaasonkealfaaz) and @lovingheart January 1st, 1995To my dear friend Madeline,  I hope that all is well. It is with great risk that I am sending this letter to you but I had to reach out to a dear friend. I am tired of these four walls that guard me against the dangers

The Experimental Cure

By Nirmal (@homenum_.revelio) and @little_writerr Lou, I know you’re still mad. I know you carry my words. I know they’re heavy but I also know that you understand. I didn’t leave to hurt you. The world called and I had to answer. Even though it’s only been a few months. I miss you like crazy.

My Guiding Light

By Apoorva and Ramishtha Hello, I hope this letter reaches you in good health. It’s been ages since I’ve written a letter and hence, I’m writing one now. These days I despise society.  Even though I’m just another 18-year-old teen, I have so much to hate. Why are there so many restrictions? Why do I

Hoping For Better Days

Raj  (@explosion_writes) and Zara (@hallowed_thoughts) Stratford, London 14 March Year- 1602 To any distaff who is’t finds this, Holla, I am Lucy. This is a letter f’r any distaff who is’t finds this in future.  I shall writeth and dump’t in the earth safely and leave it to destiny for anyone to discover. I desire thee