The Story of Bags and The Unemployed Goddess of Memory

31/3/1700 Kanyakumari Dear Mnemosyne  What a lovely name and such a heartwarming letter! I can’t believe my luck that I am in correspondence with the Goddess of Memory! How amazing! It’s an honor to have been the writer of the first letter you’ve received in years. The future sure sounds….moley? (Alright that was a real […]



Dear Mnemosyne 

What a lovely name and such a heartwarming letter! I can’t believe my luck that I am in correspondence with the Goddess of Memory! How amazing!

It’s an honor to have been the writer of the first letter you’ve received in years. The future sure sounds….moley? (Alright that was a real bad joke). I am even more curious to know more about you and your life! Why would anyone want to take up the responsibility of the billions of lives housed in this Universe when they had such a varied team of Gods assigned different roles?

Why are you in a Sanctuary? Why do moles come to serve you? What happened to other humans? I am bursting to the seams with questions

I accept the apology for the lost box landing up at my beach (Now that I realize it may have been moles who take care of waste disposal and moles may have a very different understanding of what constitutes waste, than how humans see it)

And I would like to share some details of my life since you seem interested!

I live with my wonderful brother Prince Subramanyasharma (we do have long names) and our dearest Mother Rajamatha.

I will jointly ascend the throne with my brother in exactly 1 year, for it is then that we turn 25 (the age where we are eligible to contest for the post of King, but we have no competition – we wanna rule together)

It is wonderful to know that you have visited our kingdom! I have perused a few of our old visitor’s registers and I noticed your name along with the sweet remark “Truly the pearl of South India”

Looking forward to a lengthy correspondence!

Wishing you the best!

Yours Truly

Princess Bags

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