My Haven

To my dearest love: Trying is always the best place to start! Life never promised to be calm— I certainly never did— but you have your own two feet, and you can brave the storm if you choose to leap. I know "home" is a curse word for your wounded heart, and I never intended […]

 To my dearest love:

Trying is always the best place to start!
Life never promised to be calm—
I certainly never did—
but you have your own two feet,
and you can brave the storm
if you choose to leap.

I know "home" is a curse word
for your wounded heart,
and I never intended
to leave a bruising mark;
but my leaving never felt like a choice.
I was bound before we met
and I've become bound to this uncertain fate,
where fulfilling one promise
leaves another to waste.
But love, you've made it this far,
I have faith
You can carry on.

 If our lives are noted in rivers or paths,
I hope ours cross again;
it doesn't feel
like we are meant to remain parted.
Yet you ask me not to look
for you in every passing head;
but my soul will still search,
do you want that instead?
You assume "home" is meant to contain,
instead of a safe place to land;
you assume my love is bonded
to some changeless idea I have.
I doubt you will stay unaltered,
just as I doubt I will remain unchanged; but things grow with love,
making them adjust, evolve.
Is it wrong to think
we are not the same?

From the bottom of my heart,
Someone thinking only in love


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