By: Vaibhav Sharma
Artwork by: Marty Bulkova

Imagining life without a woman is quite hard-hitting. The fact that each one of us is born from the womb of a girl and it’s a girl from whom those great folks have taken their initial teachings.
The reach of her arms will give succor to several directly and only one hug from her might heal everything from a broken knee to a broken heart. She plays different roles, that of mother, wife, daughter, friend, counsellor, all at once; juggling it all to perfection.
When you are sick she nurses you, simply a palm caressing your brow has the ability to form you are feeling sensible, warm, and secure and loved all at the same time. When you come home tired and defeated she takes you into her arms and quiets your fears, making us calm and ready for the next challenge.
She rejuvenates you and makes you come alive. She comforts you, builds your confidence and causes you to feel proud to be a district of her world. She guides you to your objectives, cajoling you, into staying focused and when you achieve your dreams she stands behind you in your shadow cloaked in the warmth of your success. She offers categorically, loves on the far side reason, and forgives you time and time again.
She puts her ambitions on the rear burner to assist you with yours. She’s there for you once everybody has turned their backs on you, and it’s her religion in you that creates you would like to rise like a Phoenix does from the ashes.
She has a dual personality. Almost every woman has. She can be helpless, and vulnerable on one hand and be strong and dependable on the other. She is soft to the touch and you would like to comfort her and keep her from hurt, but in a crisis, she is the one who will support you and give you strength. She may cry at the drop of a hat; whether it’s a soap opera or a movie song; but come the time to be strong she will stand like the mountains, tall and impregnable. She is worthy of being treated like a Goddess and no less than that.
This is dedicated to all the women we love. The real heroes, because of whom we exist. Because of whom everything that we have accomplished has been made possible.