A Furend In Need

Dear Catty,

The disaster this time is the worst form. Catty, why does it happen to us always? I am so disappointed and on the verge of crying! Well, how was the owl this time? I told you they are cheap and very nice owls. My human was also very happy to meet your human. When I came to know that we are meeting I jumped on my human out of joy but I guess we won’t be able to meet for a while because of that stupid lunatic. (I am stabbing that lunatic’s heart a thousand times in my mind). About the secret mission, I will say either she has a lot of faith in you that you will listen to her not knowing the wrath of yours or she is naive to think that cats and dogs can mingle (we all know that such bonds between two mortal enemies exist only in human kitten’s fantasy). I think doggo wants to befriend you. I have often seen dogs following around other creatures when they want to be friends with them. I know you don’t like him but try at least.

Who knows he might be really nice dog not like the other dogs. Plus there is an advantage as well if you manage to like him you will be able to help your human and he will help you as well in our communications. About your human faking her happiness. It is very suspicious. I also don’t think that it is only the lockdown that is affecting her. Have you tried to talk to her? Does she cry often as my human did? Catty, I am sure she cries at night so don’t sleep one night and just gently go to her. Humans are most fragile when they cry. If someone offers a paw to them they grab it as if it is the last plank of wood in the tempest. Catty, you know my human she got that writer job ( I still don’t know what it is *cry* *cry*) Well apparently someone really nice adopted her and so every evening she sits down to work happily. She sometimes giggles, she frowns, she makes all sorts of human faces. I don’t get how these humans able to change their emotions so rapidly.

When I go to her she is like ‘you are my inspiration’ I am like WHY WILL I BE YOUR INSPIRATION? But I am here whenever you need me and bop her nose. Catty I think you should go and show her some love. Love heals everybody. Especially love given by us. I am sure you can cheer your human up. I hate to see you sad. For now, make peace with her. She is already suffering so for now keep your anger at her side and team up with doggo. I am looking forward to your next letter. Take care of your human.

Your Bestie

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