

Why look for the moon when you have the glow of a thousand stars with you? -Priya Baid We tend to look for things elsewhere. We tend to not see what is right in front of us, we chase the unknown. We look for light in the moon, when we have the ability to shine […]

It’s okay, to not be okay

Every snowflake is unique. A lot of factors influence how a snowflake ends up. Like the temperature and moisture levels among other things.In the same way, we as humans are unique from one another. We all are on our own journeys. On these journeys we come across obstacles, things that affect us, situations that change

In a world that’s a mirror of our own..

In another world, that’s a mirror image of of our own I hope the semblance is only the appearance I hope it’s the better version of our world With Humanity as the dictator And the omnipresence of Truce In that another World, Cruelty, Hatred, Bloodshed and Vengeance, They are all ghost. A world where love


Like an echo in the forest, the day will come back around as if nothing happened. Yeah, life goes on like an arrow in the blue sky another day flying by on my pillow on my table. Yeah life goes on like this again -BTS Just what I needed to hear.They always lay it out


Where should I go? That depends on where you want to end up.. – Alice through the looking glass We worry about our choices, our decisions, the direction we should go in and so many other things. Even though nobody knows where we might end up, our desires will guide us, our dreams will guide

The world stood still as I stepped through the looking glass

By: Vaibhav (@prosepotato) and Shivani (@the.wordicted) After entering the glass, I saw a future that I never envisioned, it showed me that all that was wrong had turned out to be something a thing of the past only. It was like living the past again which I never craved. But now, I had the chance


Unexpected bumps make the journey of life worthwhile KATrambles KATrambles!As Amy Santiago rightly said “Life is unpredictable, not everything is our control” Life has its ups and downs. We can almost never predict how the next moment will turn out. There are some days that are horrible, they are a struggle to get through. There

I Matter!

This prompt came from the idea that we all struggle to find reasons why we matter. It started as a small prompt on Instagram for Mental Health Week, but the responses we got were so amazing that it had to be shared on our website too. It was a labour of love from our followers

Mental Health Day

10th October, 2020 is World Mental Health day.All week we’ve spoken about various aspects of mental health,self care and how we all matter. Today on the last day we wanted to take a different approach and express our gratitude and appreciation to all the helpers out there, who on a day to day basis have

You’ve Got Mail

Dear Self, Hey there, sunflower. Hope you’re doing alright (it’s completely okay if you’re not). Sigh, where do I even begin? You and I love to take care of somebody else for two people who aren’t good at taking care of each other. You love me very little for all the work I do, I