

Believing in the possibility of things, takes you a step closer to them. -KATrambles We find it hard to believe in things, even ourselves. Believing is just the first of many steps on our journey. Steps that can take us closer to where we would like to be.If we don’t even believe in the possibility […]

Miss Me?

I thought she was dead, the girl I had been before, the one with the brightest parts. I thought he had killed her, and so I had buried the body myself, with shaking hands and a twisting knife in my gut. But now he was gone, and that girl had clawed her way out of


Pick a star and let it guide you, Pick a feel and let it find you, Pick a word and let it define you, And let then think why they should mind you. -Rami This piece was written by vivid_.soul_ inspired by the song The Call that we presented as a prompt.This piece talks about finding what

I Love You, I Know

I wish I was as cool as Han Solo. The confidence to shoot first, the cockiness in the cockpit. I wish I felt deserving of love. So that when you say, “I love you” I could say “I know.” Awordsmith As part of fandom week, we came up with a unique idea for prompts.We compiled


We’ve all got both Light and Dark inside of us. What matters is the part that we choose to act on, that’s who we really are. -Sirius Black These faults and mistakes are what I am making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. -Kim Namjoon The way I see it, every

All His Life He Assumed He Was Ordinary Until…

All his Life he assumed, he was Lonely until.. the encounter, they say for everyone in this world there happens to exist a Soul mate, for however lost or empty you might be, someone is meant to be yours. And he knew it the moment he saw her -Prestomagic The moment he saw her, he


Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. Albus Dumbledore Even on the worst days there is a possibility for joy. Kate Beckett And when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember its only in the black of night you see

DDAENG (BTS)- MDP Feat Clara Melody

The breeze of the soothing music, pulls me right into its charm. I find myself surrounded by the instruments, that sings to captivate anyone around. My heart melts listening to its tune, while my body moving here and there still confused. -Words Sparkle 20 While listening to it, I felt a twitching feeling in my


I used to drown in the flood of my thoughts, but now I am learning to build channels to ease their flow. -KATrambles The mind is a very vast and complicated part of us, people around the world continue to be astounded by it. The processes of the mind, make us who we are. It

As The Ancient Legend Goes..

As the ancient legend goes, we are all tied to an invisible red thread. The thread that may stretch or tangle, but unbreakable it is. It connects us to the destiny: to meet, to connect, to be soul mates. -Auvien It refines everything and gets the stars to align to make our heavenly world divine.