
We’ve all got both Light and Dark inside of us. What matters is the part that we choose to act on, that’s who we really are. -Sirius Black These faults and mistakes are what I am making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. -Kim Namjoon The way I see it, every […]

All His Life He Assumed He Was Ordinary Until…

All his Life he assumed, he was Lonely until.. the encounter, they say for everyone in this world there happens to exist a Soul mate, for however lost or empty you might be, someone is meant to be yours. And he knew it the moment he saw her -Prestomagic The moment he saw her, he


Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. Albus Dumbledore Even on the worst days there is a possibility for joy. Kate Beckett And when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember its only in the black of night you see

DDAENG (BTS)- MDP Feat Clara Melody

The breeze of the soothing music, pulls me right into its charm. I find myself surrounded by the instruments, that sings to captivate anyone around. My heart melts listening to its tune, while my body moving here and there still confused. -Words Sparkle 20 While listening to it, I felt a twitching feeling in my


I used to drown in the flood of my thoughts, but now I am learning to build channels to ease their flow. -KATrambles The mind is a very vast and complicated part of us, people around the world continue to be astounded by it. The processes of the mind, make us who we are. It

As The Ancient Legend Goes..

As the ancient legend goes, we are all tied to an invisible red thread. The thread that may stretch or tangle, but unbreakable it is. It connects us to the destiny: to meet, to connect, to be soul mates. -Auvien It refines everything and gets the stars to align to make our heavenly world divine.


DREAMS ARE FREE -KATrambles What is a dream? Should I dream?Can I even dream? Why should I dream? Why indeed, because it costs nothing. Yet it can potentially give you everything. It is free, it can also set you free. To dream is to be free.Dreams are free Endless possibilities lie ahead. To dream is to see what you would like, what

I Navigate the Streets yet Again…

I navigate the streets, yet again. In the street sign by the bakery, I find the day we lost our way in the city, drenched and shivering. On the bench beneath the funny lamp post, I find the day we paid off our rents late, and found in our pockets just enough for two hearty


The Garden of our hearts needs both joy and sorrow to grow -KATrambles The grand premiere of…KATrambles- Original pieces from Team Knit A Tale! This is a new series where team KAT share their own creations or works that inspire them. It is a way for us to connect with our KATverse in a more

Una Mattina – Ludovico Einaudi Musical Prompt

Close your eyes and listen to the music, the music that rings in my ears, stuck in my head like a leech, but these songs make me cry, Through them, I see flashes of you, of the memories we had, and the songs we sang in the zing of our love. Through these songs, I