The Story of Bags and The Unemployed Goddess of Memory



Dear Mnemosyne

Apologies for the late response and thank you for your patience! I had to call for an emergency meeting with our water scientists since the state of our waters became a little bit alarming. 

We found pieces of a transparent, firm, indestructible, lightweight bag made of an unknown material that melted when set aflame and gave out the most horrid smell that nearly choked our experimenters to death! (Could you check it up from your memory jars and tell me what it is?)

We have been trying for 2 whole days to deduce what this material could possibly be and its implications on our flora and fauna (we tried chewing it and hoped to digest it with saliva but it remained stable with the weirdest, most horrendous taste!!). If we couldn’t break it down with our tongue, then tough life for our precious sea animals!

Mother Nature would have never made such a dangerous material, which makes me wonder if this is some form of forewarning from the future. Have humans become so crude to invent such a dangerous material??

Yet I remain hopeful for a bright future. I hope to avert this disaster by publishing it in our palm leaf journals for the upcoming generations to peruse and enlighten themselves about the dangers of such a material.

Thank you for your ever informative response! It surprised our mother to her bones when she realized we were in correspondence with our saviors! She at first ordered me to send you our choicest produce as a token of gratitude and my brother too felt it was the least we could do, hence I ask you if mole mail can carry food. 

You do not want to miss our Shahi Pulao (a form of aromatically spiced fried rice) or our coconuts – undoubtedly the best in the world.

I highly admire your motivation to continue your work without letting the label of “unemployed” get to you! It shows me how much you love what you’ve gifted this world – Language!!

Do you have any favorite languages?

Also, you had mentioned in the last letter that you didn’t find my memories, so does that mean I’ll be living for at least 1300 years?? (Mind = Blown)

I can’t imagine what I would do for such a long time! I hope I live with my brother by my side.

And I hope to visit you at some point, if that is allowed.

As for the objective for my reign, I think I would take up the care of the seas, nature, agriculture and anything else associated with nurturing my people via Mother Earth – I feel naturally drawn to this. 

My brother is more adept with managing the affairs of our people with respect to finances, education, taxes, security etc.

As for my legacy, well I wish to be known as a ruler who gave her people the courage to live their best life by leading them by example 🙂

How would you take care of the Universe, if you were the Head Goddess?

And out of context, what do you eat on a daily basis? 

Does being immortal mean being free from the pangs of hunger?

Looking forward to your interesting perspective Goddess!

Lots of Respect

Princess Bhagyalakshmi

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